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What's New on the HLC Web Server

Introducing the new HyperLearning Center

The Center for the New Engineer is now the HyperLearning Center. We are now specializing in Web-based learning methodologies.

New HLC Web Page Materials

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new tutorial, The Core of Information Technology, an overview of how a small number of great ideas of computing have solved seemingly impossible problems of making computers and the Internet work.

Check out the Hyperlearning Meter system, a distributed, web-based system for self-assessment and testing.

The HyperLearning Center now offers to help you build tutorial modules, configure hyperlearning meters, or learn about web-based learning methodologies. Find out more from our HLC Services page.

In the following pages you will find PERSPECTIVES on hyperlearning, several STATUS REPORTS, a library of eleven MODULES, a library of sixteen Java WORKBENCHES, up-to-date REFRESHER MODULES in Mathematics and Statistics, a prototype of an ACM PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE PROGRAM module and test, and a demo of the HYPERLEARNING METER SYSTEM.

Welcome to the HyperLearning Center

Strategic Vision
The emerging knowledge society is spelling major changes for engineering and science education in the 21st century.

Tutorial Modules
The HLC library of Internet-accessible tutorial modules covers seven topics in Computer Science, one in general engineering, a refresher for high-school math, a refresher for college introductory statistics, and a professional knowledge module. These modules are the first generation of a new class of technologies for supporting learning by non-linear paths.

The HLC library of animated, interactive workbenches illustrates algorithms of computer science.

Hyperlearning Meter
This HLC package presents individualized, randomized self-assessment and certification tests on demand to students or trainees, and gives immediate feedback to students and instructors.

HLC Services
HLC offers to help you build tutorial modules, configure hyperlearning meters, and learn about web-based learning technologies.

We offer details on our philosophy and perspectives through various essays and presentation materials.

HLC has issued a brochure, a newsletter, project status reports, and other articles.

Many people are working in or with HLC: students, faculty, school districts, industry organizations, community organizations, and government sponsoring organizations.

HLC Laboratory
The HLC Laboratory facility consists of high-performance workstations, servers, and PCs.

Sense 21
Designing a new engineering common sense for the 21st century.

Our status reports outline the achievements of the Center for the New Engineer our DARPA final report summarizes our programs and achievements during the time of our DARPA contract from May 1993 through July 1997.

Magellan 3 Star Site Award

On January 22, 1996, the HyperLearning Center's Web Site was given a 3 Star rating byThe McKinley Group. The HLC Web Site was evaluated as part of a rigorous process in which three primary factors are considered: depth of content, ease of exploration, and Net appeal.

Click here for weekly usage statistics for the HLC Tutorial Modules server.

Please send comments and suggestions to: webmaster@cne.gmu.edu
Hyper Learning Center
Mail Stop 4A5
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
©Copyright 1994-99 by the HyperLearning Center. All Rights Reserved.
Please read our Copyright Notice for information on linking to or copying from our server.

Last updated 08/25/99.