
Workflow Bibliography

The documents in this bibliography that are available are included by the contributing authors as a means to ensure convienient dissemination of their scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be copied for commercial redistribution, for republication, or further distribution without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Action Technologies, Inc. 1993. Method and Apparatus for Structuring and Managing Human Communications by Explicitly Defining the Types of Communications Permitted Between Participants. U.S. Patents 5,208,748 & 5,216,603. Action Technologies, 1301 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501.

Action Technologies, Inc. 1993. User's Manual for ActionWorkflow Analyst. Action Technologies, 1301 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501.

J.L. Austin. 1962. How to Do Things With Words. Harvard University Press.

Liam Bannon, and Kjeld Schmidt. 1991. "CSCW: Four Characters in Search of a Context." In Studies in Computer Supported Cooperative Work - Theory, Practice and Design (J.M. Bowers & S.D. Benford, Eds), 3-16. North-Holland: New York.

J. Bowers and J. Churcher. 1988. "Local and Global Structuring of Computer Mediated Communication: Developing Linguistic Perspectives on CSCW in COSMOS." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (September), 125-139.

Kathy Center and Suzanne Henry. 1993. "A New Paradigm for Business Processes." Proceedings of the Workflow Conference on Business Process Technology. (August). 167-185.

Dwight B. Davis. 1991. "Software That Makes Your Work Flow." Datamation 39, (Apr. 15). 75-78.

F. De Cindio, G. De Michelis and C. Simone. 1988. "The Communication Disciplines of CHAOS." In Concurrency and Nets , 115-139. Springer-Verlag: New York.

Peter Denning. 1989. "Massive Parallelism in the Future of Science", American Scientist, (Jan-Feb), 16-18.

Peter Denning. 1992. "Work is a closed loop process." American Scientist 80, 4 (July-August). 314-317.

Peter Denning and Raul Medina-Mora. 1994. "Case Study of Course Scheduling in a University." In The Workflow Paradign. (T. White and L. Fischer, Eds), Future Strategies, Book Division, 909 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501, 235-251.

Peter Denning and P.A. Dargan. 1994. "A Discipline of Software Architecture" Interactions. (January). 55-65.

Peter Denning. 1994. "The Fifteenth Level" Keynote Address. Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement & Modeling of Computer Systems. (May). 1-4.

Peter Drucker. 1993. The Post-Capitalist Society. Harper Business.

Edmund Durfee. 1991. "The Distributed Artificial Intelligence Melting Pot." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 21, 6 (November/December), 1301-1306.

Layna Fischer, Ed. 1993. Proceedings of the Workflow Conference on Business Process Technology. (August).

Layna Fischer, ed. 1994. Proceedings of Workflow-94 Business Process Re-Engineering. (March).

Fernando Flores, M. Graves, B. Hartfield, and Terry Winograd. 1984. "Computer Systems and the Design of Organizational Interaction". ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems 6, 2 (April), 153-172.

Fernando Flores. 1992. "Offering New Principles for a Shifting Business World." Business Design Associates, 2200 Powell Street, Suite 400, Emeryville, CA 94608.

Fernando Flores. 1979. Management and Communication in the Office of the Future. PhD Thesis, Department of Philosophy, University of California at Berkerly.

Irene Greif. 1994. "Desktop Agents in Group-Enabled Products." Communications of the ACM 37, 7 (July), 100-105.

Simon Kaplan, William Tolone, Douglas Bogia, and Celsina Bignoli. 1992. "Flexible, Active Support for Collaborative Work with ConversationBuilder." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (November), 378-385.

Emily Leinfuss. 1995. "Suppliers Reposition to Go With the Flow" Software, (February). 69-73.

Tom McCusker. 1991. "Software That Makes Your Work Flow" Datamation 37, (April 15). 75-78.

Tom McCusker. 1993. "Product Guide - Workflow Takes On The Enterprise." Datamation 39, (Dec. 1). 88-92.

Ronni Marshak. 1993a. "Action Technologies Workflow Products - Coordinating the Activities of People as They Work Together." Workgroup Computing Report 16, 5 (May), 4-11. Published by Patrica Seybold Group, 148 State Street, Boston, MA 02109.

Ronni Marshak. 1993b. "Young & Rubicam Improves Productivity With Workflow." Workgroup Computing Report 16, 5 (May), 12-20. Published by Patrica Seybold Group, 148 State Street, Boston, MA 02109.

Raul Medina-Mora, Terry Winograd, Rodrigo Flores, and Fernando Flores. 1992. "Workflow Management Technology: Examples, Implementations, and New Directions." ACM SIGCHI/SIGOIS Proceedings of Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). (November), 281-288.

Daniel Menascé, Virgilio Almeida and Larry Dowdy. 1994. Capacity Planning and Performance Modeling: From Mainframes to Client-Server Systems." Prentice-Hall.

Russell Redenbaugh. 1994. "The New Common Sense." In The Workflow Paradign. (T. White and L. Fischer, Eds), 13-24. Future Strategies, Book Division, 909 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501.

Doug Riechen. 1994. "M: An Architecture of Integrated Agents." Communications of the ACM 37, 7 (July), 106-116.

Dorothy Rhodes and Matthew Tracy. 1994. "Implementation Case Study - Workflow in Government US Airfare." Proceedings of Workflow '94- Business Process Re-Engineering. (March). 91-109.

J.R. Searle 1979. Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts. Cambridge University Press.

Amit Sheth. 1995. Workflow Automation: Applications, Technology and Research SIGMOD Tutorial Notes Slide Presentation, (May).

S. Sluzier and P.M. Cashman. 1984. "XCP: An Experimental Tool for Supporting Office Procedures." Proceedings of the First International Conference on Office Automation (August).

Diogo Teixeira and Jeff Thompson. 1993. "The Power of Work Flow Software." The Bankers Magazine 176, (September/October). 10-14.

David Vaskevitch. 1994. Client/Server Strategies: A Survival Guide for Corporate Reengineers. IDG Books Worldwide.

John Verity. 1993. "Getting Work to Go With The Flow." Business Week, (June 21). 156-161.

Thomas White. 1994. "Solving Business Challenges through Workflow Technologies and Organizational Change. Proceedings of Workflow '94- Business Process Re-Engineering. (March). 40-45.

Thomas White and Layna Fischer. 1994. Editors, The Workflow Paradign. Future Strategies, Book Division, 909 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501.

Terry Winograd and Fernando Flores. 1987. Understanding Computers and Cognition. Addison-Wesley.

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