CNE Perspectives

At various times, the principals of CNE have recorded their perspectives on engineering education. We offer them here for your reading pleasure.

The New Engineer: An Interview with Dr Denning
In March 1994 Michael Hieb and Nina Kaull interviewed Peter Denning about his philosophy and motivations for founding the CNE.

The New Engineer Revisited: An Interview with Dr Denning
In November 1996, Charlotte Thomas, editor of Graduating Engineer, interviewed Peter Denning. Excerpts from that interview were published in Graduating Engineer. This is the full interview.

Toward Hyperlearning
Peter Denning and Daniel Menasce discuss hyperlearning, a model of non-linear learning, and its instantiation as CNE Modules.

Subway Maps
Maps are ancient navigation aids, and subway maps are perfectly suited to our model of hyperlearning.

Business Designs for the New University
In Educom Review of Nov/Dec 1996, pages 20-30, Peter Denning writes about the strong market forces that are now affecting the university, both in curriculum and in research. He offers suggestions on how the university can adapt. (Needs Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

How We Will Learn
This essay was published as a chapter in Beyond Calculation: The Next 50 Years of Computing (Peter J. Denning and Robert M. Metcalfe, eds.), Copernicus Books (an imprint of Springer-Verlag), 1997. Denning speculates that strong market and political forces are pushing universities in radically new directions that will affect curriculum, teaching, research, professional education, and even our theory of knowledge. (Needs Adobe Acrobat reader.)

The Discipline of Computer Science
This draft will be published as a chapter in the revised Encyclopedia of Computer Science (A. Ralston and D. Hemmendinger, eds) in 1998. It is an overview of the field of computer science and its relationships with other disciplines. (Needs Adobe Acrobat reader.)

Last updated 5/28/98.