Multiprogramming Demonstration

Multiprogramming Demonstration

In the simple queueing network model pictured above, the CPU main memory is partitioned to run N versions of the same process simultaneously. Assume that this memory contains 48 pages and the maximum number of partitions is 10. For this demonstration, you are given a choice of reference strings and replacement policies to consider. Choose one of each from the menus below to define a lifetime curve.

Reference String: Replacement Policy:

If you would like to look over the lifetime curves of these choices,
see the Demonstration Lifetime Curves page.

Now choose the number of partitions in which to divide the main memory. Each partition will run a copy of the process you have chosen so the number of partitions represents the multiprogramming level.

# Partitions: # Pages in each partition:

Given your selections, this demonstration invokes an iterative process outlined by P.J. Denning [D3] to calculate the response time and throughput of the network pictured above with the following values (time is given in seconds):

Think time 0
Disk service time
CPU time

When you are satisfied with your choices, press the Query button below to calculate an estimate of the throughput and response time for the network you have described.