Lifetime Function

In the discussions about replacement policies and the LRU stack algorithm, the derivation of the fault rate curve was explained.

Now, look at the fault rate curve again without the page faults individually broken out (left above). This curve is often referred to as F(m), m= number of page frames. The curve descends as the number of page frames is increased from one fault per page reference when no page frames are used to the minimum of nine (one for each page) when nine page frames are used. Notice that it does not descend uniformly. After descending sharply, it levels off and then descends sharply again.

The curve known as the LIFETIME CURVE is the inverse of the fault rate curve (right above). This curve is referred to as L(m). It represents the average "lifetime" of a page in main memory. That is, the average number of page references that occur in the process before a page is replaced. Now the curve rises sharply, levels off and then rises sharply again. Although this particular curve was generated by a specific reference string (the column matrix multiplication), the basic shape it takes is typical of lifetime curves.

The lifetime curve is represented in the picture below with sections marked off by yellow rectangles each containing a red star. Click on a star to obtain a description of the characteristics of that part of a typical lifetime curve.


The lifetime curve represented above was computed using a section of the reference string of the code for computing matrix multiplication by column. Given the following reference string from a section of code for a sort, compute the lifetime curve.

4 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 4 2 1 3 1 2 1

Does this lifetime curve have a knee? Where?