Solution to the Producer-Consumer problem using Semaphores
One problem with implementing a Sleep and Wakeup policy is the potential for losing Wakeups. Semaphores solve the problem of lost wakeups. In the Producer-Consumer problem, semaphores are used for two purposes:
In the following example there are three semaphores. Full, used for counting the number of slots that are full; empty, used for counting the number of slots that are empty; and mutex, used to enforce mutual exclusion.
BufferSize = 3; semaphore mutex = 1; // Controls access to critical section semaphore empty = BufferSize; // counts number of empty buffer slots semaphore full = 0; // counts number of full buffer slots Producer() { int widget; while (TRUE) { // loop forever make_new(widget); // create a new widget to put in the buffer down(&empty); // decrement the empty semaphore down(&mutex); // enter critical section put_item(widget); // put widget in buffer up(&mutex); // leave critical section up(&full); // increment the full semaphore } } Consumer() { int widget; while (TRUE) { // loop forever down(&full); // decrement the full semaphore down(&mutex); // enter critical section remove_item(widget); // take a widget from the buffer up(&mutex); // leave critical section up(&empty); // increment the empty semaphore consume_item(widget); // consume the item } }
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