Solution to the Producer-Consumer problem using Monitors

Monitors make solving the producer-consumer a little easier. Mutual exclusion is achieved by placing the critical section of a program inside a monitor. In the code below, the critical sections of the producer and consumer are inside the monitor ProducerConsumer. Once inside the monitor, a process is blocked by the Wait and Signal primitives if it cannot continue.

  monitor ProducerConsumer
    condition full, empty;
    int count;
  procedure enter();
    if (count == N) wait(full);        // if buffer is full, block
    put_item(widget);                  // put item in buffer
    count = count + 1;                 // increment count of full slots
    if (count == 1)  signal(empty);    // if buffer was empty, wake consumer

  procedure remove();
    if (count == 0)  wait(empty);      // if buffer is empty, block
    remove_item(widget);               // remove item from buffer
    count = count - 1;                 // decrement count of full slots
    if (count == N-1)  signal(full);   // if buffer was full, wake producer

  count = 0;
  end monitor;

    while (TRUE)
      make_item(widget);               // make a new item
      ProducerConsumer.enter;          // call enter function in monitor

    while (TRUE)
      ProducerConsumer.remove;         // call remove function in monitor
      consume_item;                    // consume an item

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