Please select the appropriate answer for all 5 questions and
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Question 1. What is the mean for the values 12, 31, 26, 56, 75 ?
- (a) 200
- (b) 1000
- (c) 40
- (d) 195
Question 2. What is the mode for the the values 3, 7, 4, 3, 7, 8, 3 ?
- (a) 3
- (b) 4
- (c) 5
- (d) 7
Question 3. What is the range for the values 29, 45, 3, 18, 79, 29
- (a) 29
- (b) 3
- (c) 79
- (d) 76
Question 4. What is the variance for the values 5, 20, 10, 25, 15 ?
- (a) 75
- (b) 50
- (c) 15
- (d) 20
Question 5. What is the standard deviation for the values in given in the 4th question?
- (a) 7.07
- (b) 15
- (c) 50
- (d) 20