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Process Scheduling
Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm

When more than one process is runnable, the Operating system must decide which one to run first. The part of the Operating system concerned with this decision is called the Scheduler , and the algorithm is called the scheduling algorithm.

In the Round Robin scheduler each process is assigned a time interval, called its quantum, which it is allowed to run. If the process is still running at the end of the quantum, the CPU is preempted and given to the next process in queue. If the process has blocked or finished before the quantum has elapsed, the CPU switching is done when the process blocks.

This workbench displays a Round Robin scheduler which can have a maximum of eight processes. When a new process is created it is added to the end of the waiting processes and the first process in the queue is submitted to the CPU. After the process in CPU has completed its quantum, it is removed from the CPU and again sent back to the queue. Each process has a process ID, total CPU time required, and the time elapsed. A new process can be created using the Create button and a process can be submitted to CPU using the Submit button. This can be viewed in a continuous mode by clicking on the Animate button.The Stop button is used to stop the Animation.The Clear button clears the screen and brings the applet to the initial state. The speed of Animation can be changed using the Speed Bar. The status of the scheduler is displayed in the textfield provided at the top.

The graph shows the Process Turn Around Time i.e total amount of time taken by each process for completion including the time it has waited in the queue. The performance meter shows the CPU load i.e the the total CPU time required by all processes in the queue at any given time.
