These workbenches are Java Applets and you need either a Java enabled browser or Appletviewer to view these workbenches.

What browser to use
The most commonly used browsers that support Java are Netscape 2.0 and later versions, Hotjava, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.

How to enable Java in Netscape
By default Netscape (2.0 and later versions) will be Java enabled. If you want to make sure that Java is enabled click on the Options menu and then Security Preferences. Under General menu confirm that the checkbox for Disable Java is not checked.

How to use Appletviewer
Appletviewer is the command that allows you to run applets without www browsers. If you are using any of the workstations at the SITE lab at GMU to view applets, then you have to include the following two lines in your .cshrc file.

set path=(/opt/java/bin $path)
setenv CLASSPATH ~

and then type source .cshrc at the command line. To view the applet, type appletviewer URL, where URL is the URL of the applet you are trying to view.

For example if you want to view the Readers/Writers problem using Semaphores, type appletviewer
All URLs start with To find out the remaining part of the URL for a particular workbench, go to its page and move your coursor over the workbench sign (hammer on the bench) located at the top left corner of the page. The URL will be displayed in the status bar at the bottom of browser.
If you want to download Appletviewer please visit Java Home Page.