Before doing these problems, read Chapter 13 from Operating System Concepts (or chapters on I/O systems from equivalent books). Also read the slides concerning Handles and Directories, Information Objects, and Virtual Machines from the slide section of the web site. Read the set of notes about virtual machines. Also read the corresponding sections of the CS encyclopedia article. Discuss all parts of this problem with your study partners. Write your own individual report. Acknowledge all sources.
NOTE: Prepare your report with a word processor using a 2" wide right margin to allow for grading.
ALSO NOTE: Explain or justify your answers. A simple "yes" or "no" does not reveal whether you understand or whether you merely guessed right.
(1) Why are directories a separate level
of the layer-hierachy, rather than part of the file system?
(2) Someone types this command line to
(3) Why is an open file handle different
from a file handle?
(4) Where are a user's handles stored?
What assurances are there that handles are not changed once the
system creates them? What can go wrong if handles are changed?
(5) Microsoft's DOS has a pipe syntax similar
to UNIX. DOS implements a command "A | B" by running program A
and capturing all its output into a temp file; then running
program B with that temp file as its input. How does this differ
from the execution model of UNIX (as given by the virtual
machines model)? Why is UNIX a more powerful implementation?
outfile < cat | sort -a | sort -d > infile
where -a is a sort option for "ascending order" and -d for
"descending order." Is this command valid syntactically?
Diagram the structure of virtual machines that Unix would create
to execute this command line.