Association for Computing Machinery
Special Interest Group Computer Science Education
Lifetime Achievement Award 2010


Peter J. Denning

Citation on the plaque:

For forty years of exceptional service in industry and academia that stimulated a combined synergy which promoted educational excellence in software engineering and computing curricula.

Remarks by the Award Committee Chair:

This award recognizes someone who has really served our science for forty-five years. George Santayana said, "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Peter is always showing us our history and suggesting new paths.

We have learned so much from Peter -- from his legendary work on storage system design memory system performance, networking, and applications of language action philosophy. Always moving forward, he has developed and promoted a framework of our field called Great Principles of Computing.

One of the endorsers said, "Peter continues to look for scientific bases to approach computing research and is now involved with several new wells that have the potential of revitalizing our field."

He has not slowed down in the slightest and may actually be accelerating.