For long-standing contributions and dedication to ACM, as Council member and President, with innovative and pervasive involvement in publications, education programs, and SIG governance.
Peter J. Denning has made extraordinary contributions to the ACM since 1968, in many different capacities. He was an ACM Council member (1970-84, 1992-98) and was ACM President (1980-82). He was Editor-in-Chief of the Communications of ACM (1983-92), chaired the ACM Editorial Committee (1986-92) and the Publications Board (1992-98), chaired ACM SIGOPS (1969), was the first chair of the ACM SIG Board (1970-74), led the development of the ACM Digital Library, and chaired the ACM Education Board. Denning became an ACM Fellow with the inception of the designation in 1994. He received the ACM Distinguished Service Award in 1989 and the Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award in 1996.