About Peter
Name: Peter Denning
First entered computing: 1956
Age: 39, base unknown
Birthday: January 6
Hometown: Darien, CT
Education: BEE Manhattan College, MS & PhD MIT
Favorite Book: Finite and Infinite Games, by James Carse
Web Site: hosted at GMU
Email: pjd “at” nps.edu
About Craig
Name: Craig Martell
First entered computing: 1972
Age: 39, base unknown
Birthday: January 3
Hometown: Burlington, VT
Education: BA Catholic University of America, MA Penn State U, PhD U Pennsylvania
Favorite Books: Word and Object, by Willard Quine, and The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins.
Web Site: hosted at NPS
Email: cmartell “at” nps.edu
Peter Denning
Peter Denning has been a card carrying computer scientist since Project MAC at MIT in the 1960s.  He invented the working set model for program behavior, developed the science for virtual memory, extended operational analysis, co-founded CSNET, and led the ACM Digital Library project.
He is a past president of ACM.  In ACM he was also vice president, council member, founding SIG board chair, publications board chair, education board chair, and editor in chief of Communications.  He is an ACM Fellow and holds 5 major ACM awards including the Karlstrom Educator Award.
He has long been known for his expertise in communicating computing principles.  He was the first to design a core course on operating systems principles.  He wrote 47 “science of computing” columns for American Scientist.  He published 7 books and over 300 technical articles in computing.
Craig Martell
Craig Martell got his card from U Pennsylvania in 2005 in natural language processing with emphasis on what humans communicate with gestures.  He has been working with a small pack of robot dogs because he finds them more predictable than human students.  He has studied philosophy of science extensively and knows how to sell people on the idea that computing is a natural science.  He put himself through college by selling books door to door, but he does not recall if any of them was a philosophy book.