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Senior Design Project Tutorial

This tutorial covers a range of topics that provides the user with a comprehensive view of the Senior Design Project.

The weblike arrangement of the tutorial enables the user to browse randomly from topic to topic. A knowledgeable user will be able to skip subtopics or proceed directly an area of particular interest.

CAUTION TO THE NOVICE USER: The weblike form of this tutorial tempts the user to follow each link offered and, thus, lose the thread of the subtopic originally begun. So it is advisable to limit random browsing from topic to topic when first using the tutorial. The subway map is provided to help the user stay on the topic thread. In addition, note that the browser provides a way to backtrack through the pages seen using the "Back" button.

Subway Map
Primary navigational tool of the Senior Design module. Novice users should begin by clicking on the Introduction station found in the top left corner on the red line


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