Button Navigation Standards
(without frames)
- When the module page does not use a button bar
located in a frame, the navigation buttons are located at the bottom of the page, centered, and separated from the body of the page by a bar that is the color of the subway line.
- The .gif files for the buttons used are found in the CNE_WEB_PUBLISHER directory. They can be easily accessed by using:
img src="/modules/CNE_WEB_PUBLISHER/cne_web_editor_images/gif/filename.gif">
- Make the buttons into links to the other parts of the module using this format:
- <a href="pathname.html"> <img src="button-image-filename.gif" border=0> </a>
- The home page for each module contains the buttons for:
CNE Homepage
Module Subway map
Module Index
Module Copyright
Module mailbox
- For DAU use: href="http://www-cne.gmu.edu/cgi-bin/comments/
- dau_homepage.cgi?PAGE_URL=pagename" target="_top"
Author's page
- The beginning page for each station has the name of that station as
its name (eg: fractions.html) and uses the graphic of block letters
as its header. These pages will
contain the buttons for:
Module Homepage
Module Subway map
Module Index
Module Copyright
Module mailbox
- For DAU use: href="http://www-cne.gmu.edu/cgi-bin/comments/
- dau_homepage.cgi?PAGE_URL=pagename" target="_top"
Any self test or demonstration of the subway line of the station - Use the question mark that is the color of the subway line
- The other pages of each station (the "inside" pages) will contain the
buttons for
Module Homepage
Module Subway map
Module Index
Module Copyright
Station exercises (Black question mark)
Station beginning page
- Use the arrow that is the color of the subway line
Previous station page (back)
- Use the arrow that is the color of the subway line
Next station page (forward)
- Use the arrow that is the color of the subway line