HELP with Adobe Acrobat Reader
Windows 95

I. Download Adobe ® Acrobat ®:

This URL is:

II. Install Adobe Acrobat:

After downloading Acrobat Reader on your system
1. Quit the web browser
2. Double click at ar32e30.exe
3. Follow the instructions on the screen

III. Now you are ready to configure Netscape for PDF Documents

Note: Netscape browsers differ slightly based on platform and version. Therefore, the steps required to configure your browser may differ slightly from those listed below.

1. Launch Netscape and select "Preferences" or "General Preferences" from the Options menu.

2. In the Preferences dialog box, select "Helpers" or "Helper Applications" from the list at the top of the window.

3. Click on the "New" or "New Type" button. This will bring up the "New Mime Type" dialog box.

4. Enter "Application" for the Mime Type and "pdf" for the Mime subtype. Click on "OK".

5. In the Preferences dialog box, enter "pdf" in the Extensions box. Then click on the "Browse..." button.

6. Use the browser to locate the Adobe Acrobat Reader software on your computer (the default location is C:\acroread\acroread.exe). Select it and click on "OK" or "Open". Make sure that you are selecting the Reader software and not the Installer.

7. Under the Action choices, select "Launch the Application" button.

8. Click on "OK" to close the Preferences dialog box.

Your Netscape browser is now configured to automatically the launch Adobe Acrobat Reader when you choose a pdf document.