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Dot  Introduction




Andy Fischer
Kevin Lee
While someone is surfing the internet, he/she might ask a question of how a computer knows what user wants to accomplish. For example, how does computer know what to do when user clicks on back button or stop button on an internet browser? When a user clicks on one of the hypertext, how does computer load the site which the user want? These questions are related with the function of User Interface known as UI.

User Interface is a hardware and software which facilitate communication between the user and the computer.
What is a UI then? UI is a hardware and software which facilitate communication between the user and the computer. It is a part of human-computer interaction field and is one of the most interesting parts of application development thus it is one of the subject to intensive research to many computer scientists. In order for UI to work, the system needs to have input devices such as mouse, keyboard, touch screen, microphone, etc. Moreover, the system requires output devices such as monitor, printer, speaker, etc. Both user and computer sends and receives data or instructions through these devices.