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Dot Demos

This area is best viewed using Netscape 3.0 or higher.

Brief Intro to HTTP

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a stateless search, retrieve, and manipulation protocol that currently runs over TCP. It specifies a client wants to open a connection to a server then send a request using a very specific format. The server will then respond and close the connection.

Java Modules

Select a module to view:

Module #1 This module simulates HTTP. You will see two yellow lines moving downward. The movement represents time. The yellow line on the left represents the "client browser" and the yellow line on the right represents the "web server". There are two squares. The blue square represents the browser and the red square represents the web server's file system.

The following explains what is going on:

Event: a web page is requested (the user clicked on a hyperlink)
Action: The URL request is sent to the server and the server looks into its file system for the requested html file. The file is found and the information is sent to the browser (the information is buffered before display). The webpage is displayed.
Module #2
This module simulates HTTP. You will see two yellow lines moving downward. The movement represents time. The yellow line on the left represents the "client browser" and the yellow line on the right represents the "web server". There are two squares. The blue square represents the browser and the red square represents the web server's file system.

The following explains what is going on:

Event: a web page is requested (the user clicked on a hyperlink)
Action: The URL request is sent to the server and the server looks into its file system for the requested html file. The file is not found and the information is sent to the browser. The browser displays an HTTP error page; saying the file is not found.

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